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There is this story about the devil that is ready to send three new little devils out into the world to deceive more people.  He asks each one what they would say to convince people.  The first trainee said, I will tell them there is no heaven.  The devil said that won’t work, people all know there is a heaven.  He asks the second trainee what he would say and he replied, I will tell them there is no Hell.  The devil said, that won’t work, people don’t want to hear about that place.  He asks the third trainee what he would tell people in order to deceive them and he replied, I will tell them there is no hurry!  


In the Bible satan is referred to as the deceiver of the whole world, among other things.  His whole mission from when he was thrown out of Heaven up to the return of Jesus is to deceive the whole world.  If God can create man and tell him which tree specifically NOT to eat from or you will surely die, and a short time later satan can successfully convince them that it is to their benefit to eat from that tree, shows how persuasive those evil spirits can be to deceive the human mind. 


Although satan’s main goal is to keep people out of the Kingdom of God, he can only achieve that by deceiving them into his kingdom of darkness.  That journey is a rough road through life culminating in eternal separation from God.  On the other hand, if we are followers of Christ, The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.  In John 7:37 Jesus says, "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink."  This promise from Jesus is for ANY man who thirsts.  Any is all inclusive, everyone, but there needs to be a thirst first.  The job of the Holy Spirit is to put that thirst in our hearts.  We just need to respond and drink the Water of life freely. 


Throughout our lives we need to know the difference between the lies of the devil and the promises of God.  The only sure way to know is to have a plan to study God’s word.  With the modern technology we have today it is very easy to start a plan and stick to it daily.  You can access it on so many different devices that there is no excuse not to.  God said, the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.  Don’t we see that happening as we speak?  Isn’t the radio, television and now the internet anywhere and everywhere?  Those around the world that want to turn to Christ are hearing the Word and given the opportunity to drink the water of life freely. 


SO, Matthew 24:36 says only the Father knows, when there will be no-more tomorrows. 

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