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The Rich Man and Lazarus

Don’t jump to any conclusions; this is not a story about being rich.  Many of God’s people that are included in Bible stories were extremely wealthy.  There is nothing wrong with becoming wealthy. 


Back to the parable, in Luke 16:19-31 you will find the story of the rich man and the beggar.  Lazarus laid  at this rich man’s gate every day just hoping to catch the crumbs and leftovers that were thrown out.  Apparently though, the rich man never gave him a second thought, or any food.  The meat of the story comes after Lazarus dies and is carried away by the angels to be with Abraham.  Next we read that the rich man also dies and is buried, and finds himself in hades, where he is being tormented. 


The rich man looks up and sees Abraham with Lazarus and becomes the beggar, pleading for a drop of water.   But Abraham reminds him of the good things that he had during his lifetime and of the sad, evil things that Lazarus endured and tells him that now Lazarus is comforted and he is tormented.    


The rest of the story; next the rich man has compassion for his brothers who are still living and asks that Lazarus can be sent to his father’s house to warn his brothers so that they might not also come to this place of torment.   But, Abraham replied that they have had Moses and many prophets to listen to.  But the rich man replies and says, if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.   But he said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead”.   What a testimony the rich man now has, although too late!  He believes that his brothers will believe if they could see Lazarus, a dead man, come back to warn them.  But, back then and even today, with the story of Jesus death and resurrection, how many people still don’t believe? 


Now the rich man probably went to hades because he was selfish.  He didn’t use his wealth to help, evidenced by his ignoring Lazarus on a daily basis.  God gives riches to be shared, not for continually bettering one’s self.   Remember the rich farmer that had so much grain that he had to build bigger barns to store it all for himself, only to have God take his life that very night. 


The beggar probably ended up with Abraham in comfort because he had a true relationship with God, not because he was a beggar.  Because it clearly lays out in the Book of Romans that man is saved by Faith.  What creates Faith unto salvation is hearing the Word of God.  Romans 10:17, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  God, working through His word, has power unto salvation.

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