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God’s Plan for Those That Love Him

The more we read through the Book of Romans, we see that it explains the total message of Christianity.  It clearly lays out God’s plan for the redemption of man.   Beginning in Chapter 1:15, stating that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.  The Gospel is life changing.  It truly is the Living Word of God.   Verse 18 is a good verse for connecting some dots; it says that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth.  Connect that verse to John 8:31-32 Jesus said that if you hold to my teaching, then you will have the truth and the truth will set you free.  His teachings are the Bible, the Gospels, the inspired Word of God.  We can’t suppress that in that back corners of our mind, knowing but never giving much thought to it.  It is the Living Word that will help us to grow as Christians and be ‘doers of good’ in this world. 


When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior over our lives, we are justified which means God gives us a righteous standing before Him on the basis of the work of His Son.  This is a gift from God once we put our Faith in Jesus Christ.  The righteous will live by faith.  When you are justified and have a righteous standing before God, you are forgiven, you are blameless, you are indeed free.  When this takes place we are delivered from the penalty for sin.


Than the process of sanctification begins to change us from within.  Your thoughts, actions, feelings, tendencies, all begin to change from the old person you were to a new creation in Christ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!  We are seeing in Romans that through Jesus Christ our salvation has been taken care of and through sanctification we can be as free from our life of sin as we are from the penalty of sin.


The following three verses sum it up very well; Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.  Romans 8:6 For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace. And Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


If you think about that last verse, the wages of sin, implies that you are ‘working’ for the evils of this world.  If you don’t belong to Christ, you belong to satan and he will pay you your wages at the end of time…..death!  But God, is offering His Gift Free to you for believing and trusting in His Son, Jesus Christ. 


That seems like a clear enough choice for anyone to make, why would anyone want to be an atheist?




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