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Hell Is Real

People don’t talk about this subject to much but nevertheless, the Bible says that it is a very real place. Many people think that a Loving God wouldn’t send people to eternal torment.  They think that when they die that that is all there is, they will cease to exist.  But, the references to Hell appear many times throughout the Bible. It should be everyone’s goal, responsibility to tell those that they love and care about, that they really do need to make a choice in this life, where they want to spend their eternal life.


Hell shouldn’t be talked about to scare people, although you will not experience a more scary place, it should be discussed maybe to warn people, to make sure people know the truth. Since many churches talk more about grace and forgiveness it gives people a more comfortable feeling of eternity than to preach the fire and brimstone message about Hell. I can’t remember where I saw this little snippet, but this is what happens when we don’t know the whole story;  


A Christian Responsibility

My friend, I stand in judgment now, and feel that you’re to blame somehow.

On earth I walked with you by day, and never did you show the way.

You knew the Savior in truth and glory, But never did you tell the story.

My knowledge then was very dim. You could have led me safe to Him.

Though we lived together, here on earth, you never told me of the second birth.

And now I stand before eternal hell, because of heaven’s glory you did not tell!


When we share the Good News of the Gospels we are sharing the Love that God has for us.  But when the Love of God is not accepted than what is God to do?  If someone does not have time for God here on earth during their lifetime, God will not force them to go through eternity with Him.  He is a jealous God, He wants all of us now so He can have us for eternity.  2 Thessalonians 1:9 when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.


To be away from the Lord in Eternity means that they would be tormented day and night forever, (in fire and brimstone). That is the punishment for those that do not believe in Jesus or do not have any time for God.  BUT, God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish but to repent and turn to God.  I will be eternally thankful that, 14He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds. Titus 2:14


After all, what could be more important than to give those we love, the message that has the power to save them from Hell?






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