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The Fifth Gospel

Most people know that there are only four Gospels.  So when I heard this term used in a sermon the other day it caught my attention.   I am familiar with the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as the Good News.  So what is this fifth Gospel?


It is us, you and me, all of us.  All followers of Christ are the fifth Gospel; we are to spread the Good News.  It was part of the last words that Jesus spoke before He ascended to Heaven, to share the good news to the ends of the earth.  But all of us are not prophets, preachers, teachers or pastors, so how are we to become the fifth Gospel? 


I saw on television a couple of years ago this young man, Nick Vujicic, who was a powerful speaker.  He was very effective in delivering the message of the Good News.  But what I remember vividly about this guy is that he has no arms and no legs!  He was born with just stumps where we all have arms and legs.  He seems to move around just fine by himself, and is a very good presenter.  So the fact that we might not be public speakers or not very good at presenting some topic, we should all use the boldness of people like Nick who don’t let any fear hold them back from what God is willing to do through them. 


Back in Bible times the only way that you would know the Word was by hearing it.  All things were preached and passed down from generation to generation.  Eventually Bibles were printed and the word spread more and more.  In Matthew 24 there is a reference to the spreading of the Word, And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.  Now days, with TV, radio, the internet, and all other electronic ways there are to receive information, have we not reached the whole world yet?  Once the whole world is reached, the end will come! 


Knowing that, how many people do we know that have never heard the Good News?  How many people do we know that do not have any knowledge of God’s salvation plan for man?  We are all commanded by Jesus to spread the word, to share the word.  IF we are not all good public speakers the most effective way to share is through our actions.  It is how we treat others.  It is how others see us.  We should be walking billboards.  We can never know when we might plant the seed that someone else might water for growth.  We might never know that we could be watering the seed that someone else has already planted, but we have been commanded to keep planting.  We should all be responsible for causing more joy in Heaven, In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!


God is also good at changing billboards.  Mine did not display the right message most of my life, but thanks be to God’s forgiving Grace, it is a better message today.


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