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The Publican and the Pharisee

The Parable

Back in the time of Jesus, Pharisees were well known for their strict adherence to the Law of Moses.  They were the Bible Scholars of their time.  Publicans on the other hand were not very well liked because they were commonly described as tax collectors for the Roman Empire. 


This parable was to rebuke the self-righteous.  The Pharisee spent his prayer time praising himself for all the good that he did and thanked God for making him better than the lowly tax collector, entirely self-centered.  The tax collector's prayer was much shorter but very humble, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!'  The Pharisee relied on his own good deeds before God, but the tax collector relied on the mercy and compassion of God. He recognized that he was a sinner who needed the mercy and grace of God.


God doesn't care how eloquent your words are, or how structured your prayers are.  What God enjoys hearing is humility not pride.  We can't go to Him full of pride in the accomplishments of our lives; we should go to Him with praise and thanksgiving for His mercy and compassions that enables us to accomplish so much in our lives.  There are many verses in the Bible warning that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble; Matthew 23:12, James 4:6, 1Peter 5:5, Luke 14:11.


The extreme side of pride today is the person who believes in their heart that they have lived a good life that they will go to heaven because of their ‘goodness’.  The Bible is very clear on this; goodness gets no one to heaven, period.  Goodness about one’s self is a product of pride.  The only goodness that is in us is through the Holy Spirit that is within, causing us to perform goodness, after which we are thankful not prideful. 


In Romans 3:23 it clearly states that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  That includes even those Pharisees, ALL fall short.  I myself know that I am in need of God’s grace and forgiveness, and I am so thankful that God’s Love is far greater than our mistakes.  We can never fall beyond His reach.  I take comfort and confidence in the promise of His word in 1 John 1:9, But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.  In Micah 7:8 His word declares, “He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy”  


Many people find it very difficult to understand a God that although He hates sin, He loves the sinner.  His grace that is waiting for the repentant sinner is beyond human understanding.  His mercy, grace and forgiveness are waiting for any and all sinners who want to turn from their evil past and become a new creation in Christ Jesus.  The Bible says that God is not slow in His plans but He is waiting for all to repent of their sins and be saved, He would rather not lose a single soul.  What an awesome God!

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