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He's in Full Control

In the New Testament Book of John, 1:3, God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.  And in Colossians 1:17, He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.  And He even took a 33 year journey to the world He created to save it.  When you take time to think about those verses you have to consider how blessed we are to have a Living God who still controls the world He created.  He holds everything together; He gives every living being its next breath.  He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings.  Dan.2:21, It is God alone who judges; he decides who will rise and who will fall, Ps. 75:7. The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives, Ps. 37:23.


So if God says in His Word that He is in full control of our lives, why wouldn’t more people turn over control to Him? Because, it is written, the word of the cross is foolishness to those who don’t believe.  There are many highly educated people who can’t explain, or don’t think possible, the virgin birth, Jesus rose from the grave, or even His miracles.  It’s not possible for those things to happen they conclude.  But the best way to read the Bible and accept what is written is to understand that God gave us enough information within those pages, to know Him, to understand Him and to Believe Him BY FAITH?  When we get to Heaven we will have an eternity to get the answers to anything that is not uncovered on this side of Heaven.  While we are here though, we just have to believe with faith to become co-heirs of the kingdom. 


If God goes as far to say that indeed, even the hairs on your head are numbered, we should humbly submit to the One who knows when we will take our last breath.  If you can picture the time frame from the beginning of time to eternity’s never-ending time, you would notice that each person’s space on that timeline would be so small of a dot that you wouldn’t be able to see it.  Yet the God that orchestrated each millisecond of time invites every one of His created beings to have a personal relationship with Him, so that our little blip on the timeline of history will not end with our death, but continue on into eternity with Him. 


I feel sorry for those people that really believe that when you die that it is all over!  Nothing after that, you just don’t exist anymore.  They need to know the Bible truth.  Everyone will exist after the return of Jesus.  They will either be raised with Him to Life Eternal, or the unrepentant sins of the unbelievers will send them to eternal damnation.  It is not a loving God that sends unbelievers away, it is a just God who will not force an unbeliever to spend eternity with Him.  It’s that free-will thing that God gave each one of us.  To earnestly seek Him and know Him, or to go through this life without letting Him come into our life.  He says in His Word that, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.


It is a shame that the Bible has become so marginalized in public places.  It used to be a sound basis for decision making but know we go with public opinion!  But that is a tropic for another time.






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