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Rainbow Promises

They are a sight to see, but the beauty about them is that they are a promise of God that never again will He destroy all life with the waters of a flood.  That is a comforting promise, gasping for air while drowning would be a terrible way to go.  (Although, spending eternity in the fires of hell are not a good trade-off)  If either of these methods of the end are not appealing to you there is good news, they can be avoided


In the very first Book in the Bible we find the story of the ship builder, Noah.  As the story begins we find that Noah is already 500 years old.  A few verses later we see that God decides that mortal man will only live a hundred and twenty years.  That is because The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  


We all heard the Noah and the Ark story as children, but we didn't get all of the details of why this happened.  It says in the Bible that God was very disappointed with the human race, but that Noah was found righteous.  So after God instructed Noah how to build the ark, the real story begins.  The period of time it took Noah to build the Ark, 110 years from start to the Angel closing the door of the Ark, was the time all of the other inhabitants of the earth had to join Noah in his life saving Ark.  Why didn't they want to believe?  Were they having too much fun in their sin to take heed of what tomorrow would bring.  Did they just not understand the need of getting in the boat?


Even today, the Ark is waiting.  The "flood" (end) is coming.  How many thousands of people will be left outside when the door is closed that last time?   How can anyone set on the fence and wait for tomorrow?  Metaphorically the closing of the Ark door is the second coming of Christ, the end of time.  BUT, every person has to realize that their end of time is when their number is up!  As soon as a person dies, their "Ark Door" is closed, whether they are in the ark or out of the Ark.  If they have not answered the call to “Come unto me, they will be left with the words, “Depart from Me.  They will not be able to choose after they die. 


Every day we have choices to make, don’t put this off until tomorrow, enter the ark today.

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